Chapter Leader

Georgia, Mikheil Shavtvaladze (POLS ’10)

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Mikheil is a 4th semester PhD student in political science at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. He also works at the university as a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

Since 2012, he is actively participating as a returning scholar in OSF's and HESP's Academic Fellowship Program. Thanks to the Marie Curie Actions Scholarship, he will visit Vilnius University for one semester to give classes, participate in conferences and do doctoral research.

 Any special plans for the Georgian Alumni Chapter?

Spain, Liudmilla Liutsko (ENVS ’97)

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Liudmilla defended and obtained her PhD in Personality and Behavior from the University of Barcelona in 2013, where she also worked until 2015. She also realized a short stay at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology, thanks to an Erasmus Mundi grant.

Kosovo, Jeton Mehmeti (DPP ’09)

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Jeton works as the research director of the GAP Institute, a Kosovo-based think tank. He has extensive experience in research and policy advocacy, and his academic papers have been published by Pelgrave Macmillan, Brown Walker Press, Nomos, and the Journal of Balkans and Near Eastern Studies among others. Jeton is the country author of IREX’s annual report, the Media Sustainability Index, and has received two fellowship awards, the Marshall Memorial Fellowship and the Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence. 

Austria, Anna Bara (HIST ’03)

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A native of Novosibirsk, Russia, after CEU Anna earned her PhD in History and Civilization (2011) and a Master of Research (2004) from the European University Institute (EUI). Her professional activities combine policy-oriented research and teaching.