Information for Recent Graduates

You did it! Now, the CEU Alumni Relations team, and alumni around the world, are here to welcome you to CEU’s global alumni family! 

As a recent grad, you’re now part of a community of more than 18,500 amazing individuals, from more than 151 countries around the world. From now on, wherever you go, you’ll never be far from a fellow CEU alum. See below for all you need to tap into this global support network, connect with your fellow alumni - and take advantage of alumni benefits and services. Also, see how to continue your CEU email access, then see below for details on how to:


 As an alum you’re entitled to great online benefits and services. See details on how you can access.


CEU graduates – like you – are doing amazing things around the world, every single day. Learn who’s doing what, and share your latest achievement with the community!

STAY CONNECTED and build your network

Wherever life takes you, stay in touch with your alma mater and your alumni community in your town and around the world. 


Your time and unique talents can help create a real and lasting positive impact for your university and global alumni community. Whether you volunteered as a student this year or you’re new to volunteering and want to know more, find out how you can: